Tuesday, December 8, 2015

it was about time to give a sign of life, i guess...simply for the few of you who might care.
anyways, since the last time we posted here something we changed our rehearsalroom, kept on working on new songs, played a few shows. in fact, last weekend we played in austria and croatia and we had good times there. thanks for everyone involved in the organisation of those gigs, Zadar punx and Zagreb/Medika punx.
we ain't that active of a band anymore,  people often ask me wether we still exist or not. well, yeah..we do. we gig occasionally and we write new songs and planning on releasing new stuffs and even touring as soon as possible. we have constant changes going on in our private lives, keeping us busier than ever and letting us less time for doing the band. however we will play one more time this year: on friday there is a show in Budapest with a couple of bands (including Strafplanet a RRD project) and with hopefully many of you coming.
11/12/2015 Tiszta Gyász fest

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tour starts in less than a week!

We are leaving on tour next Saturday. If you happen to live/be close to any of these venues and dig what we do come by and hang out with us. Seeya!

25 apr (sat) Vienna (ABC fest @ EKH  w/ Zerum, Remek, Gattaca, Todeskommando Atomsturm
26 apr (sun) Innsbruck @ Cafe De-central w/ Zerum
27 apr (mon) Bremgarten @ KUZEB w/ Zerum
28 apr (tue) Luzern @ Romp Bar
29 apr (wed) Tübingen @ Schellingstrasse Wohnprojekt w/ Strafplanet
30 apr (thu) amsterdam @ OCCII w/ Strafplanet
01 may (fri) Nijmegen (DIY fest @ De Ondebrook) w/ Strafplanet, Gattaca, Remek
02 may (sat) NEED HELP!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Április 4. koncert!!

A baglyok utolsó koncertje a klasszikus helyszínen (óbudai próbatermek). Búsuljunk, sírassunk vidáman!

Tyrell's Owl
Rivers Run Dry

ami még lesz: vegan-büfé, disztró, jó barátok, néptánc stb.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Spring tour 2015

We're leaving for a short tour by the end of April. It seems we managed to have most of the shows booked, although changes can occur later.

25 apr (sat) Vienna (ABC fest @ EKH )
26 apr (sun) Innsbruck @ Cafe De-central
27 apr (mon) Zürich @ tba
28 apr (tue) lucern @ tba
29 apr (wed) tübingen @ tba
30 apr (thu) amsterdam @ OCCII
01 may (fri) Nijmegen (DIY fest @ De Ondebrook)
02 may (sat) need help!

And I guess we've never posted this one, but it was hell of a show and an awesome video:

Monday, February 16, 2015

19/02/2015 Budapest, Dürer kert w/ Mutilation Rites, Hierophant, Another Way

Fentebbi időpontban, helyszínen és bandák társaságában játszunk legközelebb. Bővebb info: https://www.facebook.com/events/332489216952733/