Tuesday, November 15, 2011

tour diary part 2.

It was still before 12 when we arrived to Ponferrada and we were heading towards a huge lake that was indicated on our map. Well, the lake turned out to be a dam holding water and creating an artificial lake. We had breakfast with a view from the dam and tried to chill on the rocky lakeshore. I even went swimming, it must have looked funny, considering that far in the back a power plant emitted probably some toxic stuff..Then afternoon spent in Ponferrada shoping mall. Later one, when Pedro was off work we could meet and occupy their home. He, his girlfriend and their dog, Tofu, were all super nice to us. We got delicious food, had the possibility to take showers, do some nerding etc…Then we went to the venue, a bar called La Vieja. Pretty cool, but relatively small place, almsot packed and warm atmosphere. People appreciated both bands and I was super content to see that some older dudes showed up too.
Next morning churros for breakfast ruled!!! Waving bye to our hosts and heading south-west we were driving to Portugal. We got there in time and managed to load to that amazingly beautiful building that hosts casaviva.  Soundcheck, short walk in the neighbourhood and then a decent show with pretty many people. We were the first band to play after the summer break of the venue. We had a one-woman noise/experimental opening act as opener and an equally unique post-concert performance by a guy and a girl from the audiance. Then some chats, allergy healing attempts (thanks again for trying to help our folks) and sleep. Breakfast, then sighseeing.Porto is simply beautiful, too bad we could not have a longer walk. Anyways, back ont he road (foookin expensive portuguese highway too) and driving to Setubal. But before arriving we took a short bath break and went to Figuerinha beach in Setubal. Pretty late for such activities, though we felt the need to at least jump inside and stay in water for a bit. We also met our friends Cristina and Joao who came to see our concert. Then there we were at Kylakancra squat, eating their nice, potent dish, getting familiar with this farmsquat. Many bands, including The Skrotes in which Boris (who was helping us booking the Portuguese dates and also destroy youreself records) beat the drums. Cool show, cool band. Then some more friends showed up and then we played and some more bands played and then an allnight-long afterparty,started. We all passed out pretty fast and were not doin the party people too much. Next day breakfast at a shopping and up we were heading to Salamanca. This show was a kinda last minute show, but it turned out to be a fuckin cool one. We arrived to town pretty late, due to taking seconmdary roads in order to save some money. Anyways, the venue 13 Monos, is a Garage hall and there were quite a few people showing up and we liked the atmosphere, the people, the food, everyhing.We slept at three different places and then some of us had sightseeing, including a cool breakfast. We have to thank to Toni and his friends for their hhuge help and hospitality. Some hundred kilometeres and then next stop Putzuzulo Gaztetxea squat in Zarautz, Euskadi (basque country). I had been to that this place before so I had huge expectations. Condition and food and welcoming-wise everything was tottaly up to my expectations. The only problem was the lack of people, but it’s just bad luck…There was a spanish and an Irish band sharing the stage with us that night: the more 90’s hardcore-like Only Fumes and Corpses (IRL) and a more experimental band from Barcelona reminding me of refuse at some points. Both bands were consisted of nice folks. Our concerts were okay, the handful of people liked what they got. Then down  the floor horizontal position, preparing for a long trip the following day. Through Basque countries’ secondary roads that were curving on the seashore and through the French payroads we arrived close to Clermont-Ferrand (the Michelin city in a valley), here I had to practice my petrol saving skills for we were damn too fuckin short of petrol by the time we arrived to the hills/mountains surrounding the city and no petrol station in view…So we rolled down the serpentine trying to consume as little gas as possible which meant smoking breakes by the time we finally got to the city. Huhh..what a relief it was that we didnt fuck it right before getting to town…Anyways, impressive club, warm food and friendly folks waited u s in Raymond’s Bar. We had an opening act consisting of only 2 members doin some experimental stuff that was kinda good tol isten to. Then we played a show for a moderate crowd, however we had a nice time and just as much as elsewehere I enjoyed playing. Cool sleeping place wird happenings  right before we giot into bed. Coffe, tea and breakfast, goodbye to local folks (Flag, Manak thanks everything!) then again supermarket bullshitting and then we were ont he road navigating towards the watchmakers country. We were pretty much concerned about whether dr Slayer could get into the country without any valid document apart from his driving licence and an old type ID. No worries, there we were in Basel without even noticing of crossing any borders. Hirscheneck restaurant, bar and association gave us the possibility to show our „talent” there that night. It was Heiko from Never Built Ruins who set the show up for us and Dog’s Holy Life. Too bad the americans had to cancel this date due to health issues, too bad Heiko got to know about that only few hours before the show was supposed to start. Anyways, there we were with food enough for  6 more people..hehe. And what food, what service!! Well, the place is a funky restaurant, thus everything was pretty tasty and looked cool (not that I would like to degrade any of the food service we received before that on the tour). Then again a not too huge crowd, though enough people too have a cool atmosphere to do good Tyrannicide and Rivers Run Dry concerts. I have to state that this tour was not the one wehere we seemed to move the most people….at least that was what the lack of dancing people suggested to us. However not one place did we have the feeling that people did not like our shit. They were simply like that I guess. Anyways, Hirscheneck was cool and was nice to see the Never Built Ruins folks showing up. Thanks!. Then we slept in a pretty old (i guess more than 600 year old) house and had yummy breakfast the following day. This sunny day we were driving to Augsburg Germany to do our last show regarding this tour. Again some unbelievable food hunting gathering in a supermarket to fuel our hungry bodies and then we arrived to Augsburg, Ballonfabrik club in time. Dog’s Holy Life was supposed to play too, but of course they couldn’t, however they showed up later on. Nice (but not many) people, friendly environment and a bit fucked mood from our side characterized this show. Thanks goes to Julian for helping us.
Then we had to drive through the night, with a short stop in Austria, to pick our dearest Vera and we got back home on Friday morning. Cleaning the van other and  bullshitting waited us, though we were all extrafuckingdamn tired as hell. Dötch folks stayed at Botond and Slabó’s place (thanks!) and went to see Trial that night. The rest of us had other things to do (work, attending a wedding etc…)
Well, to me, it was one of the best tour for it’s length and because of the fact we were so many good people in such a fast van, doing a road that I like and already did a lot. Most of us must have had shitty periods and some of us were probably pretty difficult to support sometimes. We knew we were doing our last tour with our beloved doctor in our ranks, buti t turned out that we were losing our drummer as well. So, from this perspective the tour sucked. However we made friends with Gabi’s band buddies and I personally enjoyed a lot my time with these fönny dötch boers. Yeah, I guess, that’s all, though I am aware, that reading these lines it might not seem as funny as it was (that’s due to lack of my writing skills), but believe us: it was fun to do this whole shit! Thanks to everyone providing us / helping us out with shows, food, drinks, floors, beds, showers, good advices, kind words, friendship, info on their culture, country, venue, collective, scene etc…Thanks and huge hugs! L
 (sorry, but i did not have the patience to put the pictures in chronological order)

Friday, November 11, 2011

NOV 25 KONCERT- búcsúztató!!!

November 25.-én utoljára játszunk együtt Dr. Slayer és Konti Andris barátainkkal. Szomorúak vagyunk, hogy így alakultak a dolgok, de hát ez van.... Örülnénk neki, ha minél többen megtisztelnétek a két kirepülő fecskét a jelenlétetekkel. Egy sokakat megmozdító buli talán szép lezárása lenne számukra a bandában eltöltött éveknek. DE! Az este nem csak erről szól, hanem ÉS ELSŐSORBAN nyugat magyarországi barátainkról, akik végre pesten is játszhatnak. Megér eljönni, mer itt lesz a Who Sows Violence Reaps Storm legénysége, akik kemény vonalas egyedi hc-t nyomnak, meg lesz Holy Man's Glory, akik meg szimplán odabasznak és mellesleg tök profin, meg lesz Slice and Dice újjáalakuló (vagy milyen) buli és itt lesz a már sokszor sok helyen bizonyított Rosa Parks is, akik majd elkábítanak mindenkit progresszív szerzeményeikkel! Ja és természetesen vegan büfé, distro, pukipank 1000-el, italozás, hőbörgés, tánci tánci, sok jó csaj, jóképű fiúk, jajjderégláttalak, hátveledmegmivan...ésatöbbi ésatöbbi haddneragozzam kéremszépen. Köszönet a szervezőknek, hogy megadták a riversnek a lehetőséget, meg eleve, hogy összehoznak egy ilyen bulit.
na csá!

Hey hey!
To any non-hunagarian speaking folks who would happen to be in Budapest on November 25. Please come and see us performing for the last time with Konti Andris, our drummer and Dr Slayer our bass-guitarist. There will aslo be other amazing bands (see flyer above) coming from western-hungary. The show is in a rehearsal room in Óbuda. For further details write us , please.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rivers Run Dry//Tyrannicicde __tour report part 1

I don’t know when and why, but somehow we agreed to do a south-european tour this autumn. We had played in  Slovenia, Croatia and even in Italy before, but that was all our experience in the mediterraenean region and now we were planning a two week long tour through croatia, italy, france, spain, portugal and switzerland, germany (as much as you can call them southern-european countries the lattest).  Tyrannicide from the netherlands joined us on this trip, thus we were 8 and had Gabi playing in both of the bands. We started the tour with a kick-off show at the rehearsal rooms in Óbuda, where Brackets Closed and Astpai from austria played too. Twas nice to see Zock again! New Dead Project, Tyrannicide and the above mentioned  two austrian bands played that night (NDP had to play last…bad luck and sorry for them). Tyrannicide played an energetic set and I knew that it wass gonna be better from day to day. We were also cool I guess, again with 3 guitars...that’s always a bit more fun than as a 4 piece…
Goin to bed late, waking up early. Taking the van loading it..what a pain int he ass activity..It’s always the same…wondering how so much stuff could enter the van, being late etc… And then we left for croatia. We had a list with instruments and their reg number an expired passport and an old type identity card. That’s how we wanted to enter croatia..and strangely, there was no real problem with these personal documents, but with the instruments..Those damn fucking bastards kept on saying we
should have asked for this document called ata carnet, however i am not quite sure about that and anyways some of us already had experience of not being lett o enter to croatia though having that shitty document. So a really huge fuck you to all the custom (also some border) officers I had to talk to (i don’t care if it was your fuckin boss telling us to turn back or you just followed orders…cause then you are a pathetic  puppet), to all the assholes who were enjoying their superior status and a gigantic fuck off to the the head of the custom office at the last border where we tried entering to the country. Last but not least a huge sorry to Leo and everyone who were helping out with the organization of that show, sorry to the support band and everyone who wnated to see/hear us that night.
We ended up sleeping in Trieste at Igor’s place. He is the guy who was on tour with us last december and in 2009 autumn. At least, it was good to see him and squat his flat, share stupid jokes, listen to crazy music and check his newest treasures from the trash…
Hanging out in Trieste is always fun, but we were all pretty eager to play our first show on the tour, so we left in time and took the highway and some national roads to get to Villamontagna…One of the most beautiful and craziest places we have ever played so far. This small town is close to Trento, which is a city in the Alps, and the venue was a shed int he mountain barbecue/picnic area..To get there was noit easy, ask the tyres and the clutch plus the engine of our van..hehe. But the party was great, friendly people, cosy environment and really good shows. I gotta say that all bands were cool that night. Both of us enjoyed playing there and seemed that some people appreciated our music, message, performance…I also loved how people were dancing to every single band. Of course, being in Italy, we got delicious food and our host Olly was super nice too. Waking up, coffe, strudel and chillin in the morning, adoring the beautiful view felt so great. Nevertheless we got some annoying news too: namely that our show in Padova (the smae day) was cancelled. We tried to fix something last minute, but didn’t manage. So we stayed at Olly’s and went to do some sightseeing in Trento…That was super nice too, hangin out in a beautiful city, lickin ice-cream and eatin pizza      ruled that day. Next day we brought Olly to his working place and off we were heading to Nice, in France. Breakfast, secondary roads, nice views to lake Garda, the Ligurian sea and the beautiful mountais on its shore and stupid conversations made our trip just more exciting. Then there we were in Nice city centre in a small street at Bar Tapas. One of the guys at the bar was afraid the neighbours would complain about the noise so we made it extra low which meant we couldn’t really hear ourselves because of the drums. Anyways, some 30 people (most of them representing totally different subcultures) showed up and head banged to Tyrannicide and supposedly to Rivers Run Dry too. Local band played grindish death metal and were nice folks. Unfortunately there was not enough time for the last support band, because the bar wanted to close pretty ealry. Then sleeping at Cedric’s. He was the promoter and was really cool…Me and slayer took our pills against nervous breakdown and idiocy and then down we were on the ground knocked and sleeping.
Barcelona our next destination. Again some morning food hunting and gathering and then on the road we were. All the way through Cote d’Azure to the Pyrennees arriving to Barcelona, waiting Miki to appear and let him bring us to the place. It was nice to meet friends. Miki sings forBarcelona band Amenaca and we had played some shows together, while Manu, the other promoter, is also a funny guy who was living in Amsterdam with Gabi for a while. Anyways, huge squat, friendly environment, good food (some of us tasting meat, by accident..hehe) and two local bands. They were cool and then both of us had fun too...We slept at Manu’s squat and then the next day we were for a manifestation, a protest at the tribunal on a huge square. Since I am not 100% familiar with what the case was about and who was condemned (cause people came to put pressure on the judge and support their comrade) for how many years exactly, I don’t want to go into details about that. Anyways, it felt good that just by our presence we can somehow support the whole action. We had breakfast there after some succesful hunting and then Miqui brought us to o some short sightseeing that included swimming to. We had a lot of fun and felt pretty good and relaxed the whole day. Int he afternoon we said goodbye to Manu too and left their cosy squat and went to Torello, a small town pretty close to Barcelona. Guys from Addenda (support band from the day before) were there again, however with thier other project (not an actor). The venue was a big garage like place that opened kinda to the fields whit huge cabbages and other veggies. Roger, the promoter, made us cous-cous and some local sweet potatoe, both rocked!!! Not too many people showed up, but there was a friendly environment and what’s more at some point a 50 year old groupie was flirting with our bassist, who still hadn’t know what he go to know from me after the two shows. We were already chillin, eating and chatting with Roger after the shows when some got to know what was not news to others that we had to drive through the whole night for Ponferrada, the place we were supposed to play the next day was pretty far…(i forgott o take my pills against nervous breakdown, so i exploded…hehe). So we drove through beautifl places, but haven’t seen a damn fuck cause we were trying to fall asleep (with the exception of the drivers and co-pilots) and besides that it was pitch fuckin black outside...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Új videók / New videos

Slabó haverunk készített egy-két hangulatos videót a próbatermi koncertünkről. Lessétek meg őket!
Slabó, our finest dude shot some really lovely videos from our show in Budapest. Check 'em out!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


we'd like to thank everyone who helped us in any way on our tour! we are sorry for not being able to play in croatia and we hate boarders and boarder police way more than before! a big fuck off goes also to expensive highway tolls too.
thanks to all the promoters, all the people busy in every kitchen where food was prepared for us! all our hosts, everyone who guided us in those beautiful cities we visited and everyone showed up at our shows and checked us! thanks  also to all the bands sharing stages with us!
and last but not least, a big hug goes out to h, b, d, and g from tyrannicide. we really enjoyed being on tour with you!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

rivers run dry tour plan / rrd turnéterv...

2011. 9. 08 (thur) – @ Óbudai Próbatermek -  BUDAPEST
2011. 9. 09.(fri) @ Klub Place- RIJEKA - (CRO)
2011. 9. 10.(sat) - @ Fuck Shoes Fest - TRENTO- (ITA)
2011. 9. 11.(sun) - @ Tacu Tacu - MESTRINO _Padova - (ITA)
2011. 9. 12.(mon) - @ Tapas - NICE- (FRA)
2011. 9. 13.(tue) - @ L'Hastilla - BARCELONA- (ESP)
2011. 9. 14.(wed) - @ Electric- TORELLO - (ESP)
2011. 9. 15.(thur) – @ La Vieja- PONFERRADA - ESP
2011. 9. 16.(fri) -  @ CasaViva - PORTO - (POR)
2011. 9. 17.(sat) - @ Kylakancra - SETUBAL - (POR)
2011. 9. 18.(sun) – @ TBA - LISBOA - (POR)-HELP! AJUDA!
2011. 9. 19.(mon) –  @ Putzuzulo Gaztetxea- GIZPUKOA, Zarautz - (ESP)
2011. 9. 20.(tue) – @ Raymond’s Bar - CLERMONT-FERRAND - (FRA)
2011. 9. 21.(wed) – @ Hirscheneck - BASEL - (CH)
2011. 9. 22.(thur) –  @ Ballonfabrik - AUGSBURG - (GER)


rivers run dry starting a blog! from now on we'll put on band related news, gig dates, music and other bullshit up here.

öcsik, karcsik, bébik! rivers run dry blog indul, amin majd hírek, koncertdátumok megegyebek haddnemondjam...